Become a member of the NSWWT

We offer membership to both woodland owners and members of the public who are supportive of our mission and objectives (see below).

Mission and Objectives

The Mission of the Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust is to uphold and promote the long-term stewardship of private forested lands for the rich diversity of values that they provide through ecological forestry and conservation.


  1. To maintain productive forest lands in perpetuity and managed through ecosystem-based forestry.

    • To develop, enter into, manage, monitor and enforce community easements as per the Nova Scotia Community Easement Act;

    • To acquire and own lands.

  2. To provide woodlot owners with;

    • The opportunity to place working forest easements on their properties.

    • The organizational structure maintains working forests in perpetuity through gifts and acquisitions.

  3. To solicit donations, including land to achieve the objectives of the Trust.

  4. To work with partner organizations to provide sustainable forest management on private woodlots.

  5. To promote healthy forest conditions in Nova Scotia while continuing to maintain or improve economic and social benefits to landowners and their heirs.

  6. To build an inventory of healthy and diverse working forests to facilitate sustained rural economic growth.

  7. To encourage sustainable forest management, which maintains or enhances conservation values.

  8. To serve as a demonstration of forest stewardship and ecosystem-based forestry.

    Review our By-Laws here.