Meet our Team
Phone: 902-600-6249 ext. 5
Originally hailing from Ontario, Mary Jane holds a Master’s in Forest Conservation and is a Registered Professional Forester in NS. Mary Jane has worked with the Medway Community Forest Coop since 2015, minus a small term with the federal government in 2022-2023. She is happy to be back at the MCFC and the NSWWT and managing several innovative projects to steward and restore Wabanaki forests on both Crown and private lands. Mary Jane has been involved with many facets of Nova Scotia’s shift to ecological forestry, playing an influential role the Lahey Forest Practices Review and serving on the Department of Natural Resources initial Minister’s Advisory Committee.
(currently on maternity leave)
Phone: 902-600-6249 ext. 1
Mhari learned to love the outdoors young, camping and exploring Nova Scotia. In 2016, she completed her Master’s in Resource and Environmental Management at Dalhousie University and proceeded to dive into agricultural biodiversity conservation work. She is a farmer and woodlot owner herself, growing vegetables and flowers on a small holding on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. Mhari is delighted to join the forestry sector as the Land Trust Manager for the Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust.
Phone: 902-600-6249 ext. 6
Originally from Ontario, Jennika grew up hiking and exploring the old-growth cedars in the Niagara Escarpment near her hometown. With family ties to Nova Scotia, she eagerly moved east to study Environmental Science at Dalhousie University. While completing a Master’s in Forest Conservation at the University of Toronto, she joined the Medway Community Forest Co-op in 2019 as a research intern, where she developed a baseline biodiversity study. Jennika is a registered professional forester and avid birder, always happy to spend time in the woods.
Phone: 902-600-6249 ext. 4
Originally hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Ellen learned to love the outdoors at a young age, from camping in the Rocky Mountains to biking and hiking the trails and woodlands of Nova Scotia. Always intrigued by the interplay of people, place and expression, she obtained her Master of Journalism from the University of King’s College. Her background in teaching English and investigative journalism has resulted in a career in communications, focused on environmental organizations and the wider non-profit community. Ellen is delighted to use her skills to support the vital work of the Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust.
Phone: 902-600-6249 ext. 2
Shayla graduated from the University of New Brunswick in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management but has primarily worked with species at risk including piping plover, wood turtle and pine marten. Her growing interest in Ecological Forestry has brought her back to her roots and she is excited to be working with Nova Scotian land stewards to ensure their legacy is continued. She is currently a forester in training and is working toward becoming a registered professional forester.
Phone: 902-600-6249 ext. 3
Originally from Ontario, Cameron’s family roots are here in Nova Scotia. He was lucky to spend time growing up in the South Shore with his grandparents, who helped foster a deep connection to the place and its people. He holds a bachelors degree in Geography, has a love for learning, and can usually be found on a river somewhere fly fishing. He’s excited to be a part of the team again and continue thinking within the ecological forestry model that NSWWT promotes and practices.