Are you a woodland owner looking for guidance on how to properly maintain your boundary lines? Clear, well-marked property lines are essential for responsible land management, helping to prevent disputes, supporting sustainable use, and protecting your investment. This interactive workshop is designed to provide private woodland owners with practical guidance on boundary line maintenance, offering expert advice and best practices.
The first portion of the workshop (1:00–2:30 PM) will feature introductions, a presentation on best practices, and an interactive Q&A session. Following this, you will have the option to join a field tour from 3:00–4:00 PM, where you can discuss key learnings in a nearby woodlot.
Tea, coffee and snacks will be available. Space is limited, and registration is required to secure your spot. A waitlist will be available once capacity is reached. Sign up through the form below.
Please note: This workshop provides general information and is not a substitute for consulting a certified Nova Scotia Land Surveyor for legal boundary assessments.